I hope you and your family are doing well, despite the current situation. Here in Ireland, I have been working from home for 4 weeks now, and we cannot go anywhere further than 2 km from our home (except for food shopping). I actually have stricter rules for myself. This is a different way of living our life, but it is important to stay home and only go outside when it is really necessary. How do you adapt to this strange times?
In my apartment, I have been looking for ways to relax, exercise indoors and still get

some “fresh air” while staying indoors. I have been testing different things (indoors walks and exercises, meditation online) and I will share some links in the next few days.
But today, I wanted to share with you my Virtual Art Exhibition "Relaxing Air" than I created for you to relax from home and visit my virtual gallery!
Have a look here: clemenceprosen.com/relaxing-air
There are some paintings that you might have seen before, but I am also introducing a new series: New Beginnings, six smaller paintings of sunrise and sunset, a very colourful and powerful series, that really reenergizes!